Government commissions
The Government tasks Transport Analysis with various commissions, both in its instructions for our agency and through separate resolutions. You can share in the results of these commissions.
Reporting under some commissions occurs annually. This applies, for example, to the follow-up of transport policy goals. Other commissions imposed through separate resolutions have final reporting dates.
Electric road vehicles - ownership, regional analysis and a possible development by 2030
The number of newly registered rechargeable road vehicles has increased rapidly in recent years, but the transition to an...
Commission for Swedish Government’s climate policy action plan
The Swedish government has commissioned Transport Analysis, to prepare proposals for policy instruments for reducing greenhouse...
Short-term forecast for the vehicle fleet Sweden 2021-2024
Transport Analysis is responsible for making short-term forecasts for developments in the types and number of vehicles register...
Swedish national freight transport strategy – mid-term review 2020
In this mid-term review of the Government's national strategy from 2018, Efficient, high-capacity and sustainable freight...
Short-Term Forecasts for the Vehicle Fleet 2020–2023
Transport Analysis has reported the ongoing government assignment to report statistics and short-term forecasts of the Swedish...
International train tickets - a developing market
This report presents the results of the Transport analysis government assignment to analyse the market for international train...
How can e-commerce transports become more sustainable?
The growth of e-commerce has been almost explosive, with turnover nearly quadrupling over 10 years, and this upward trend is...
Analysing the transport activity generated by e-commerce
The growth of e-commerce has been almost explosive, with turnover nearly quadrupling over the past ten years, and this trend is...
Connected, cooperative, and automated vehicles, vessels, and systems - a knowledge base
The digitization of the transport sector will bring increased connection, collaboration and automation, while creating favourab...
Barriers to public transport: A government investigation into public transport accessibility for people with functional impairments
Traffic analysis has been commissioned by the Government to map barriers to accessibility and usability within the public...
Policy instrument for eco-friendly goods vehicles
Transport Analysis has been tasked with analysing whether additional policy instruments are needed to retool Sweden's heavy goo...
Proposal for economic aid for intermodal freight transport
The Swedish government has given Transport Analysis the task of analysing the need to promote intermodal freight transport and...
Perspectives on travel and travel opportunities
In its public service agreement, Transport Analysis has been tasked with preparing a current status analysis and knowledge base...
In-depth follow-up of the transport policy objectives
Transport Analysis has been tasked with conducting an in-depth follow-up of the transport policy objectives.
Follow-up of transport policy objectives 2017
In this report, Transport Analysis analyses the current state of the transport system in terms of the government's specificatio...
Measures for reduced risk of vehicular terrorists attack
In this report, Transport Analysis analyses, as tasked by the government, the use of heavier vehicles in urban environments. On...
Reduced default speed limits in built-up areas in Sweden
As part of its remit from the government, Transport Analysis has studied the effects of reduced default speed limits in built-u...
How can we increase the knowledge of goods transport involving light lorries?
Transport analysis has in a government commission invented the need for statistics on light lorries and distribution vehicles i...
Correlation between measures in the transport field and accessibility, productivity, growth and employment
This PM report summarises the knowledge regarding the correlation between measures in the transport field and accessibility,...
Taxes and fees in the transport sector and the fulfilment of transport policy goals
The Swedish Government has commissioned Transport Analysis to create a knowledge base concerning how taxes and fees in the...
Forecasts of the Swedish vehicle fleet
The general forecast indicates that the number of vehicles in use will increase in Sweden for both passenger cars and light and...
Potential Ecobonus system for maritime transports
Traffic analysis has, on behalf of the government, prepared the prerequisites for a possible Swedish Ecobonus system for mariti...
Assignments for clarifications of the transport policy objectives
Transport Analysis was tasked with two government assignments in 2016. These entailed reviewing the clarifications of the...
Annual follow-up of the Transport policy objectives
Transport Analysis is tasked by the Government with following up transport policy objective on a yearly basis.
Consequences of NECA
Transport analysis has been tasked by the Swedish Government with analysing the consequences for the Swedish industry if a...
Analysis of increased productivity and innovativeness in the transport engineering and construction sector
Transport Analysis has, over a three-year period, been tasked by the government with analysing and evaluating the work done by...
Housing development and infrastructure investment
How profitable an investment in infrastructure is dependent on the rate of travel, which in turn depends on where people live a...
International cooperation in the transport field
Transport Analysis is helping the Ministry of Enterprise concretise, coordinate, and follow up the cooperative agreements in th...
Rising fares for public transport in Sweden and the EU
Transport Analysis has been tasked by the Government with assessing the effects of new regulations affecting public transport...
Mapping freight transport
How well is Swedish freight transport working in urban and rural areas? What are Sweden's most important freight corridors, and...
Annual follow-up of the Transport policy objectives
Transport Analysis is tasked by the Government with following up transport policy objective on a yearly basis.
Basis for aviation strategy
Transport Analysis has been tasked with analysing the role and function of aviation in the transport system. The analysis will...
Proposal for construction starts
Since 2013 Sweden has had a new infrastructure planning process. Each year the government decides which projects in the long te...
Market opening in public transport
In March 2011, the Government tasked Transport Analysis with evaluating two reforms, i.e., the market opening for long-distance...
Railway in Sweden and Japan
May 2013 saw the signing of a memorandum of cooperation in the railway area between the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and...
Preliminary study of legislation concerning special-needs transport services
The Swedish Government has commissioned Transport Analysis to conduct a preliminary study about Special-needs transport...
Increased productivity and innovativeness in the transport engineering and construction sector
In 2014, Transport Analysis was mandated by the government to analyse and evaluate STA's ongoing work to increase productivity...
Consequences of regulatory changes of the market opening for local air traffic management
Transport Analysis has been commissioned by the government to investigate the consequences of regulatory changes for a certain...
Commuting conditions in the counties of Norrbotten and Västerbotten
Transport Analysis has, as a governmental commission, performed a current state analysis on commuting conditions in the countie...
Indicators to follow up the Transport Policy Objectives
Transport Analysis and the Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis have jointly analysed the ways in which accessibility...
Goods flows i Sweden 2012
Transport Analysis presented, 4 June 2012 results of the government commission to report a knowledge base and current situatio...
Commuting in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö
Delays for those who commute to work in the three major areas in Sweden, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö amounts to about 8.5...