Recalculation of the Swedish national and international road goods transport statistics

A new method for estimating the road freight statistics has been implemented. The reason for the new method is that the road freight survey was underestimated. Comparisons with for example the mileage database and registers for timber transports stated the underestimation.
- PM 2015_10 Omräkning av lastbilsstatistiken till följd av stilleståndsproblematik.pdf
- Swedish national and international road goods transport 2014
- Swedish national and international road goods transport 2014
- Recalculation of the annual tables regarding the Swedish road goods survey 2012-2014
- Recalculation of the quarterly tables regarding the Swedish road goods survey, quarter 1-4, 2012-2014
To verify and to improve the quality in the road freight statistics a number of development projects has been implemented. Since 2012, Transport Analysis has been conducting a survey in parallel (auxiliary) to the road freight survey. This help survey is called the "no-activity survey" and it was implemented to better estimate the true share of the lorries that are not in use during the assigned measurement week in the road freight survey.
After three years of parallel comparisons of registry data and the "no-activity survey" we had enough evidence to recalculate the road freight statistics. In the annual report "Swedish national and international road goods transport" regarding 2014 both tables and results are presented with the new method. To enable comparisons from 2012 and onwards, all quarterly and yearly values relating to those years has been recalculated according to the new method. The recalculated tables for the quarterly reports and the annual reports are published in separate Excel files.
The recalculated tables are published in the following reports: Transport Analysis Statistics 2015:22 and 2015:23 on this website. More information on this new method can be found in the Summary Memorandum Report 2015:10 Over-reporting of vehicles with no-activity in the road freight survey or in the Swedish report Transport Analysis PM 2015:10, Omräkning av lastbilsstatistiken till följd av stilleståndsproblematik.