Proposal for construction starts

Since 2013 Sweden has had a new infrastructure planning process. Each year the government decides which projects in the long term transport plan will start construction during the next three years (years 1-3) and which projects will be prepared for a construction start in years 4-6.
Full reports in Swedish:
Only projects with a construction cost of 50 million SEK (approx. 5 million euros) or higher are involved in this process. One of the objectives is to tie the financial and physical planning processes closer together. Each year the Swedish Transport Administration proposes to the government which projects should start construction in years 1-3 and which should be prepared for construction start in years 4-6. The government places stricter requirements on the basis of decision for projects that are proposed for construction start in years 1-3.
In light of the new infrastructure planning process Transport Analysis has quality reviewed the Transport Administration's proposal indicating which projects should start construction years 1-3 and which ones should be prepared for construction start in years 4-6. The audit covers both processes and projects and aims to strengthen the government's decision support. Transport Analysis has analysed the process used to determine when construction cost estimates and overall impact assessments are to be carried out within the physical planning process according to guidelines set by the Transport Administration. In addition, new construction cost estimates and overall impact assessments have been quality reviewed.