Vehicle mileage for Swedish-Registered Vehicles

The statistics provide information about the vehicle mileage  by Swedish-registered cars, lorries, buses and motorcycles in a year. Vehicle mileage are calculated using a model based on odometer readings from vehicle inspections.

          Logotype Official Statistics of Sweden

The odometer data from the vehicle inspections are then matched against the Swedish Road Traffic Register, and annual vehicle mileage are thus calculated for each individual vehicle. Odometer data are available for cars, lorries, buses and motorcycles.

Vehicle mileage are totalled annually and reported as total vehicle mileage and average vehicle mileage for several different vehicle categories. The disadvantage of this method is that it does not specify where the vehicles were driven, e.g. whether the driving was done in Sweden or abroad.

Vehicle mileage for Swedish-Registered Vehicles is published annually in the form of tables in Excel format. Data for motorcycles are published in the fall.