Lennart Thörn

Lennart Thörn
Senior Adviser lennart.thorn@trafa.se +46 10 414 42 29 + 46 76 128 74 19 Department for Outlook and Policy


Large-scale electrification of the transport sector – a knowledge base

The Swedish Government has assigned Transport Analysis the task of preparing a knowledge base concerning a large-scale...


Commission for Swedish Government’s climate policy action plan

The Swedish government has commissioned Transport Analysis, to prepare proposals for policy instruments for reducing greenhouse...

Lagrade varor

How can e-commerce transports become more sustainable?

The growth of e-commerce has been almost explosive, with turnover nearly quadrupling over 10 years, and this upward trend is...

Lagrade varor

Analysing the transport activity generated by e-commerce

The growth of e-commerce has been almost explosive, with turnover nearly quadrupling over the past ten years, and this trend is...


Connected, cooperative, and automated vehicles, vessels, and systems - a knowledge base

The digitization of the transport sector will bring increased connection, collaboration and automation, while creating favourab...