Krister Sandberg

Foto: Mostphotos

Follow-up of transport policies objectives 2024

2023 was an eventful year in the Swedish transport system and in transport policy both domestically and at EU level. Trafikanal...

Lastbilar på väg

Swedish national freight transport strategy – mid-term review 2020

In this mid-term review of the Government's national strategy from 2018, Efficient, high-capacity and sustainable freight...

Resenärer stiger ombord på pendeltåg

Perspectives on travel and travel opportunities

In its public service agreement, Transport Analysis has been tasked with preparing a current status analysis and knowledge base...

Lätt lastbil

How can we increase the knowledge of goods transport involving light lorries?

Transport analysis has in a government commission invented the need for statistics on light lorries and distribution vehicles i...

Hand och kartbok

Analysis of the freight transport system

Transport Analysis has written four reports that include descriptions of the current status and costs of transport infrastructu...


Mapping freight transport

How well is Swedish freight transport working in urban and rural areas? What are Sweden's most important freight corridors, and...

Flera par fötter som går på golv

Annual follow-up of the Transport policy objectives

Transport Analysis is tasked by the Government with following up transport policy objective on a yearly basis. 

Scientific council

To ensure the quality of the evaluation and analysis methods that Transportanalysis develops and applies, there is a scientific...

Väg med bilar i snötäckt landskap

Commuting conditions in the counties of Norrbotten and Västerbotten

Transport Analysis has, as a governmental commission, performed a current state analysis on commuting conditions in the countie...

Väg vid vatten på vintern

Indicators to follow up the Transport Policy Objectives

Transport Analysis and the Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis have jointly analysed the ways in which accessibility...

Person på skateboard i trafik

Current State of the Swedish Transport System

The purpose of this report is to describe the current status of the Swedish transport system and how it is being affected by...

Buss vid bushållplats

Commuting in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö

Delays for those who commute to work in the three major areas in Sweden, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö amounts to about 8.5...