Civil Aviation

The statistics describe developments in the Swedish civil aviation sector with regard to services and transport, infrastructure, aircraft, and accidents.

          Logotype Official Statistics of Sweden

The statistics are intended to paint a comprehensive picture of the civil aviation sector and its evolution. They are compiled by the Swedish Transport Agency at the behest of Transport Analysis.

The scope of the survey

The aviation data cover all Swedish commercial airports at which civil aviation is carried out in the form of regularly scheduled and/or charter service−airports owned by the government, the municipalities or private companies.

The tables showing registered aircraft are based on the Swedish Transport Agency's register.

The accident data include accidents involving Swedish-registered motorized aircraft, plus accidents in Sweden regardless of the nationality of the aircraft.


The Civil Aviation report is published annually in electronic form each spring. Certain data are posted monthly on the Swedish Transport Agency website.

News in Civil Aviation 2018

Extended time series implemented for several tables.

Deletion of tables of insufficient quality and that do not fit into the Transport analysis statistical responsibility. This applies to tables with the number of persons employed in airline companies and the number of certificates with extended authorization.  

New table with the evolution of the load factor in domestic, international and total traffic.